






Yes, you are ready this correctly, FREE STUDIO TIME for my students.

Occasionally we offer Free Studio Time to our established students who attend weekly classes during the school year. I’m sure you are wondering why. It is our way of thanking our dedicated students who sew with us all year by offering them some extra time to work on their favorite projects. We only allow the students who already know how to sew and thread a machine all by themselves to attend our two hour Free Studio Time classes. This is not a free class for  new students to learn the basics of sewing or threading a machine, that is for private lessons, or class time.  Their Free Studio Time will come when they are ready. However, this is a great way of showing your dedicated students that you care and appreciate their hard work by offering them your time for free to help them with their sewing.

We offer this class about four times a year, usually on weekends or Friday nights when we do not have other workshops going on. When I first offered this special class, I thought everyone would take advantage of it and I’d have to turn people down due to everyone wanting to sign up for it. But that was not the case and it never has been. Each time I offered it, anywhere from 2 to 4 students took advantage of the opportunity. So each time they were small classes where I got to spend a lot of one-on-one time helping the students.

I do not look at this special class as I am loosing money, or giving my time for free, or anything like that at all. I look at it as an investment of two hours of my time helping my students because I am thankful for them and their dedication, and I enjoy helping them with their projects. To make it an even more fun time, I will usually provide a small snack and we listen to some good old music of the 50s and 60s!



2 Responses

  1. Lynda Morris
    | Reply

    Hi Judi,
    I am beginning my sewing school, Jan. 19th. I am a retired teacher and I have always wanted to have a sewing school. I taught sewing in the Middle School for several years but I still need lots of guidance. I value all of the tips you have put together! I just found your site today, so I will be visiting it a lot. Sincerely, Lynda

    • Hi Lynda,
      That is awesome and best of luck to you. I try very hard to add info each week. There is so much more I need to add, but I can only do it in-between teaching at my studio, sewing my own projects, and keeping up with my main site I wish there was more time in each day. LOL Thanks so much and keep checking the updates page for new info! Judi

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