kids learning to sewI’m sure you are wondering, “Can I do this?  Do I know how to sew good enough?  Will I like it? Will the children enjoy it?”  If you are a little skeptical, that’s okay.  So was I!  In fact, when people would ask me what I do, I would shyly say, “I teach kids to sew.”  The excited response I got each time was overwhelming to me.  Now I proudly and boldly answer that question.

Each new student, each compliment from a parent, and each time I saw a child sew something awesome that I taught them to do, gave me the confidence and self esteem that I needed as a sewing instructor.

Was it scary for me at first?  Sure was…but I wouldn’t trade it for any job now.  Where else can you make $50. – $80. an hour, on your time, at your convenience, doing what you love?


Unlike other learn to teach sewing places where they go on and on about how you should join their franchise, or buy their patterns and their kits only, I simply want to share with you my best ways to make your sewing studio a fun place where kids love to sew!  I want to help you succeed!

Best of luck to you in opening your new sewing studio and I hope you too will find the joy in teaching others to sew like I did!


Best Stitches,


20 Responses

  1. Susan Aguila
    | Reply

    I was so happy to find your site. I am in the midst of deciding whether or not to start a kids sewing school in my home. A few weeks ago, I was approached by a friend of mine who wanted information on sewing classes for her granddaughter. She only found 1, not close to home and was a 3 hour class. So I offered to do it. Well, word got around and I taught my first lesson last week for 9 girls! Which I had to split into 2 classes. More people are finding out and are VERY interested. It’s neat to see these kids excited about sewing. So, I’m working on the details now to see if I can handle it. I’m thinking of offering after school classes Monday-Friday, 3:45-5:15. I found out, as you commented, that 1 hour is not long enough. I’m currently offering a 6-week session for $50. And I’m now tweeking the lesson plan. The only thing that I’m not sure about is if I need any special licensing or permits to hold the class in my home. Any advice?
    I’ll update you on my progress.

    • Judi @ Love To Sew Studio
      | Reply

      That is wonderful, I am so happy for you. I think you will end up loving it! Word of mouth is the best way to grow your sewing studio. I’m glad you split the 9 girls into 2 classes, that would have been way too much. Keep checking this site, I try and add at least 3 new pages a week. I have about 50 pages of info just sitting here, but I have other sewing sites, and with the teaching, I just don’t have enough time in a day to add everything at once. Plus I always like to add photos and that is time consuming too. To answer your question – (that is part of another page I still have to get up on the site.) but, every township is different for that, so you have to check with your own township. I’ve only spoke to one other person who’s township needed a special license, other wise everyone else didn’t. I can’t imagine you needing one, but you never know. What is the difference if you are giving piano lessons in your home or teaching sewing? I can’t imagine any township telling you you need a license to teach piano lessons in your home. You could just start and see where it all leads you first. (I get into this a lot more on the page I will be adding.) But the one thing you want to do is make sure that your home owners insurance will cover it if someone was to get hurt while they were at the studio. In the 13 years I’ve been open, I have never had anything like that happen, not even a cut on a finger, I’ve been very lucky. But you want to make sure that you are covered for that incase. Yes, update me with your progress! And if you get all set up and have set hours and days, let me know and I will set you up with your own webpage on our sister site It’s all for free! Best of luck to you and I’m looking forward to hearing how everything is going.

  2. Alice Hahn
    | Reply

    I am intrigued by this idea. I was online looking for how to teach my grand daughters to sew. I worked in daycare for awhile and love introducing kids to new concepts. I have been sewing myself since I was 14. (I’m 62 now and retired.)But I really don’t have the first idea of how to teach these girls to sew. Can it be as simple as, “here ya go, sew”? This past summer I spent with 3 g-sons, 4, 6, & 11. They each made a simple quilt. 2 pieces of fabric with batting in the center, sewn together like a pillowcase, then tied. They were so excited. I had very little time with them so teaching sewing concepts was out of the question. But I want the girls to completely understand what they are doing. I just don’t know where to start. And after reading through your information I think if I could figure that out I would like try teaching more little girls. Can you point me in a direction to help me out? Thanks Alice. PS Hope I don’t sound like a crazy lady.

  3. Wendy Bradley
    | Reply

    I started my own sewing classes in my home this January. I am very excited to see your web site, and have added it to my favourites. I wanted to start with children, but when I started to advertise on facebook, the responses were from adults that wanted to learn to sew. I am having a blast helping my new friends to start and finish their projects. Looking forward to receiving your help, and sharing my own ups and downs to help others succeed.

    • Hi Wendy,
      That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. I have found recently that a lot of adults want to learn to sew too. Just this week I received three phone calls for private lessons from adults! Three new students in one week is a lot for me for adults. Well best of luck to you, and keep an eye out on our updates page b/c I try and add new info every chance I get!
      Love to Sew Studio

  4. sena
    | Reply

    Hello Judi, I was super excited when I came accross your website, its so nice of you to share your great experience. I live in the UK, however i would like to start a sewing studio in Africa, for girls. I have been sewing for about 25 years, as a hobby, and i want to be able teach as many people as I can, I believe your site will help me alot because at the moment I need as much help as i can get, I have some family back there who are willing to assist me find the right location. I will keep you posted on my progress, I think empowering young girls with this wonderful sewing skill is important. Thank you.

  5. Terry
    | Reply


    I just want to say that I am not a religious person, but I do think you are gift from God. What you are doing, by giving this information to the public, is no less than a mission. I’ve been kicking around the idea of teaching sewing for a while, but I really think it’s doable, now. As the saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

  6. Valeena
    | Reply

    OMG!!! I am soooo happy I found your gorgeous site!! I am so done with working full time in a call center. You know the old adage, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
    That being said, I have decided to use the skills I love to do and that is SEWING!

    Mom put me in a Singer Sewing Class for Girls that took one whole week of my summer vacation when I was 10 years old. Ugh! Or so I thought it was going to be. Mom was teaching me and then found this class nearby, fancy that. I loved it. I’ve been sewing ever since and this was now 44 years ago. I’ve had to stop sewing (I know right, what is THAT about?) for a time or thrice over the years. I am at a point in my life where its time to do what I love and get paid for it by teaching sewing

    Once that thought is put out there, people, stuff, ideas and the like come to you.

    I recently went to a fabric shop with a new friend, we met through temp job call center work. The shop also sells new and used machines. I was in heaven. I asked the elderly knowledgeable gentleman there about teaching and he said that HE taught. Oh well, I thought, he’s got the monopoly in this area of San Diego…..or so I thought. I told him that I also taught (which at this point and this was 3 weeks ago. I had only an idea and a possible studio but nothing else. I don’t even have a machine, mine died after so many faithful years-boo-hoo RIP!). He then told me that HE could get me age students!!!!OMG, (yes I use that a lot), I NEED A BUSINESS CARD!! This ball of yarn is rolling!!!

    I also casually mentioned it to three other women I met in passing just this past week and last night, and BAM three more students.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now I’ll finish reading the rest of the site, back to our regularly scheduled program…

  7. Barbara
    | Reply

    You are absolutely wonderful to have shared all of this. Thank you.

  8. Patti
    | Reply

    I am so excited to find your website! I was really just looking for sewing machine recommendations as I wanted to start a sewing camp for my kids and a few others for this summer (so want to buy several), but I believe you may have helped inspire me to start my own business!

  9. Joi
    | Reply

    Hi Judi,

    Thanks sooo much for this information. It has helped me tremendously as I navigate how to start a sewing school. I have at least 10 people (children & adults) just waiting for me to get started. I was asked by so many people to teach them to sew, I figured I better learn the best way to go about doing just that. I have a question, under your Sewing Students tab, there is only one lesson with a link. Are you going to add links to the others? I’m very interested in “The First Class or Private Lesson Teaching a Brand New Sewing Student”. It would help me in knowing where to start.

    Thanks again!!

  10. Wendy Bowles
    | Reply

    Hello, I am the president of a group called the Artisan’s Co-op. We are a group of people that love making things with out hands. We have wood workers, sewer, painters, photographs and more. I sew and have had members and nonmembers ask me to teach a beginning sewing class. I have a office that we no longer use in town. I was thinking of changing it into a class room to start teaching sewing. I am 52 and been sewing since I was 4 years old my Mother helped me make stuff for my Barbie Dolls. I will be teaching adults. but not sure what to charge and the only place we can get our supplies is Wal-Mart. Please can you help me get started and how to get the people to come to the class?

  11. Olga Houston
    | Reply

    Hi!, thank you so much for sharing info and “how to teach others to sew” site!
    I live in an area where I am allowed no more than 2 students at a time–like that of teaching piano, ark! I am still going to teach out of my home with that. I would prefer 4 students at a time. Its unfortunate that not may home business are running in homes where I live. Daycare is different–no more than 6 children–even that is low, to run as home business. My only option for the future is to move locations.
    I will be studying your tips, and this will help me get started. Thank you much!

    • You are so welcome, I would love to see people everywhere learn to sew! If you are only allowed to teach 1 or 2 students then for now, I would just offer private and semi-private classes. I know someone else and that is all they do. They do not have classes, only the private lessons. Best of luck to you.

  12. c unger
    | Reply

    On the side bar showing items in your shop, are you sure that is a serger? It looks just like my coverstitch machine.

  13. Um Abbas
    | Reply

    May God Almighty, our Creator give you abundance success. Aameen. Thanks for setting up this great site. I learned to sew many years back n used to sew my own clothes, but when I left college I started to teach Math n stopped sewing completely. The idea to teach to sew came to my mind many times but academics took over. Today again the idea bounced back n I started to search n came across your website, Thank God for it n thank you.

    | Reply


  15. octovia
    | Reply

    hi Judi

    I know how to sew and I want to open my studio can I please have advice on how to start? am having a diploma in fashion.

    thank you

  16. Judy Davis
    | Reply

    Hi Judi,

    So glad I found your site. I just lost my job and am the cusp of retirement. I always thought I wanted to teach others to sew once I retired, but after seeing your helpful information, tips, and encouragement, I think I am going to take the plunge instead of looking for another J O B for just a few more years.

    Thank you for the inspiration. I’m off to start my research. Wish me luck!


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